For me (and perhaps most of you), access to clean water is a norm. It's an often overlooked privilege of living in a first world, developed country. It keeps us safe and healthy and gives us a fighting chance against pandemics like COVID-19.
Not everyone has access to this basic necessity, however.
It's estimated that about
3 billion people don’t have access to clean water and soap in their homes. That’s staggering.
Nearly 40% of the world’s population cannot take the necessary measures to properly sanitize or clean themselves or their homes. During a pandemic, that’s especially concerning when the best ways to contain the spread (or flatten the curve) is to social distance and properly wash and sanitize hands.
Gary White of, in response to the pandemic, recently said, "
Now more than ever, access to safe water and sanitation is critical to the health and resilience of our global community. It is vital to prevent the spread of disease today and to support the health of families tomorrow.”
As we
mentioned a few weeks ago, we believe we are all in this together. Our shared existence unites us together to pursue better outcomes for all of humanity in the midst of this pandemic.
Think about that: the global community engaged and unified together in the health and well-being of one another. It's beautiful.
So, if you are like me, you are wondering what can be done now to help our neighbors in developing countries that don’t have access to clean water.
you can learn more or make a donation to one of the clean water organizations that supports proper hygiene in addition to clean drinking water. Our partner,
20 Liters, provided some helpful resources about how to
find clean water partners and what proper hand-washing looks like in developing countries on its
Facebook page.
If you’d rather go the direction of purchasing socks that supports clean water efforts, we are putting all our Statement Sockwear products on sale for 20% off (use code: cleanhands20). Statement Sockwear helps provide 100 days of clean water in Rwanda. The code will be available until the end of April.
Thank you for your help as we take this one step at a time, together.