Quick Recap
On Monday, March 23rd, our governor in Michigan ordered a shelter-in-place for all non-essential workers. The Executive Order went into effect at midnight on March 24th and has recently been extended until the end of May.
What It Means
As of November 10th, 2020, we are complying with state and CDC guidelines to limit staff at boldSOCKS' headquarters and take the necessary precautions to keep everyone safe. We are still fully operational to ship both standard and custom orders from our headquarters and will do our best to get each order out in a timely manner, like we've always done. We appreciate your support during this season and we hope fun socks can help brighten your day.
New Orders
New orders will be shipped within our standard 1-2 business days. We do not anticipate delays in standard orders at this time.
Customer Service
Customer service emails sent to support@boldSOCKS.com will continue to be monitored, but responses may be delayed. Please expect replies within 1-3 business days. We will do our best during this season to deliver top-notch service, but we are all stretched during this pandemic and ask for your grace.
We are currently receiving returns, again, at this time.
Our Retail Store
Our store is currently open on Thursdays from 10am-4pm and by special appointment. If you would like to schedule an appointment, please email support@boldsocks.com. Masks are required.