At boldSOCKS, we are committed to honoring and supporting the bold pursuits of those who stand up, ignite change and constantly stride toward better. Women’s History Month celebrates the fearless women who have come before us and tirelessly fought to revolutionize laws, practices and attitudes that continuously and systematically held women back. This March, we are happy to join the celebration of history, applaud the amazing work women are doing today and acknowledge that we still have unconquered territory ahead of us.
To celebrate this month as well as International Women’s Day on March 8th, we would like to dedicate this post to the women on our team.

Personal Mantra/Favorite Quote
“Cry when it hurts, laugh when it’s funny, chase after the dream, don’t chase after the money.”
- Old Dominion No Such Thing as a Broken Heart
If you could have dinner with any woman, who would it be and why?
Coach Pat Summitt. I’ve read books about her. She kind of was the trailblazer for women’s rights in collegiate sports, just seeing how she did and how she was able to maintain her composure when she was the first person ever to be doing what she’s doing. She seemed really knowledgeable and seemed to be a really down to earth woman. When I was growing up, basketball was my favorite sport and she was coaching for the University of Tennessee, one of the top programs.
Biggest Personal Triumph
Watching the mistakes of others and not repeating them.
Biggest Professional Triumph
Leaving a “punch the clock” job where I was just there to get a paycheck and coming somewhere where you’re more than just a number, you’re part of a family.
What would you tell a younger version of yourself?
Surround yourself with diverse people, be uncomfortable, don’t be afraid to grow, and I promise, it does get better.
What would you tell an older version of yourself?
Be the person you needed when you were younger.
What do you hope for the future of women?
Equality across the board- pay equality, social equality.

Personal Mantra/Favorite Quote:
Sometimes you find yourself in a movie.
If you could have dinner with any woman, who would it be and why?
Rihanna because she’s just all around excellence. Everything she does she does with extreme passion and success. Whether it’s with her music, her lingerie line, or her makeup, the companies that she has started cater to women with different body types and skin tones. Regarding her music, it’s very empowering for females. It’s sassy, and I like that.
Biggest Personal Triumph
Learning to be happy and grateful, learning through all situations. It was a long process, but once I reached that point, opportunities started appearing and I started reaching new levels of satisfaction and greatness in all areas of my life.
Biggest Professional Triumph
Making the switch in my life to experiencing work as a gift to help you grow, rather than a means to an end. It’s an attitude thing.
What would you tell a younger version of yourself?
Don’t be afraid to say no. Stay humble, take responsibility, and be grateful always.
What would you tell an older version of yourself?
Remember where you came from.
What do you hope for the future of women?
I hope that we get to a place where we don’t need to express differences between men and women- that things are just mutually acknowledged and respected in terms of equality.

Personal Mantra/Favorite Quote:
“Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex and more violent. It takes a touch of genius and a lot of courage to move in the opposite direction.” - E.F. Schumaker
If you could have dinner with any woman, who would it be and why?
I would choose my mom. I’m biased, but I think she’s the best mom ever. She is there 24/7 when I need someone, has the most well-rounded advice and perspective to offer and laughs with me about anything. There have been many times where I’ve needed to lean on her well into my “adulthood” and I’m so thankful for her.
Biggest Personal Triumph
Knowing who I am, being who I am and not letting the words or actions of other people affect that.
Biggest Professional Triumph
Creating a career and lifestyle where I am genuinely excited to work, I am constantly building on my skills and I understand the value of my skills and am able to create opportunities for myself.
What would you tell a younger version of yourself?
You are never ever too old or too far into something to make big changes. You are meant for an incredible life and it might not look like everyone else’s and that’s okay.
What would you tell an older version of yourself?
See the magic in every person and every day, take time for yourself always and keep on dreaming.
What do you hope for the future of women?
I hope we can more clearly recognize and build upon the allies that we have in one another.

Personal Mantra/Favorite Quote:
Live life with no regrets.
If you could have dinner with any woman, who would it be and why?
Michelle Obama. She’s a person that I really respect and I feel like she has so many accomplishments in her life and she’s so successful and it would be so good to learn from her. She’s a very stylish woman, she does a lot for her community and she’s health conscious. She’s always trying to improve people and do things to help.
Biggest Personal Triumph
Finding the best way to take responsibility for my mistakes and learning from them.
Biggest Professional Triumph
Knowing when to give something up and being able to spend my time wisely so I can give my all to whatever project I’m doing.
What would you tell a younger version of yourself?
It’s not the end of the world. I cried all the time growing up because I felt like everything was such a big deal.
What would you tell an older version of yourself?
Send me the lottery numbers.
What do you hope for the future of women?
For us to be able to be ourselves without being afraid of what a man in a higher authority position might punish us for. As an example, one of my fears is going into the workforce wanting to have kids eventually. My fear is someone thinking you wouldn’t be able to do your job as well or be as committed to your job as a man.

Looking to Tomorrow
Women still make 78 cents for every dollar earned by men. From now through International Women’s Day, we are extending an invitation to everyone to join us in our fight for better. We are offering a 22% discount on our women’s products to represent the 22 cents that will undoubtedly be ours as we continue to take bold strides toward a brighter, better and more equal tomorrow.
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