
Back to School: Make This Year Your Best Yet

by Sarah Anderson on Aug 08, 2019

Back to School Socks - Feature

Back to School: Make This Year Your Best Yet

Ah! That beautiful time of year set your intentions for what your coming months will hold. Back to school time is for reflecting on the year before. What went wrong? What went right? What friendships and activities gave you life and made the year better? It’s also the time for setting yourself up for success for this coming year. What do you want to accomplish? What are your goals? What new things will you try? How will you make every day count? What new friends will you make?

Here are some awesome ways you can make this year your best year yet.

Turn Monday Into Your Favorite Day of the Week

We have all felt a little out of it on Mondays, trying to return to our weekly routines after a whole weekend of having fun, sleeping in and doing whatever we wanted. It's natural to have a few slip-ups sometimes as we reenter our routines, but what if you looked at Mondays with a whole new lense? Mondays are your days to set the tone for the week. You are well-rested from sleeping in this weekend and your fun tank is filled, meaning you have every tool in your toolkit to tackle this day and this week. Something silly happen like spilling coffee? That's a quick laugh, a quick clean up and off you go to make this the most productive day of the week. Set your to-do lists up, set your intentions for your goals in school, work, friends and family life and breathe in the positivity of starting fresh with a whole new week. You could change the world this week. You could change lives. It all begins with the right mindset.

Focus on Knowledge

School can be synonymous with stress, homework and exhaustion. There's so much to learn, so many tests and sometimes, it feels like a lot of pressure. What if you shift your mindset? Instead of being stressed about the books to read and the quizzes, find yourself appreciating the opportunity to learn so much and be filled with knowledge? School is a special time in your life when your main job is to explore ideas, find out about past events and master new skills. You could find something you never knew you were so good at! You could discover a subject matter that has you completely enthralled. You will never know until you open up your mind and embrace all the information headed your way.

Embrace Your Personal Style

Do you love a particular look, even though it's a little funky? Then you should definitely rock it. Now is the time to explore the looks you love. Don't try to be like everyone else. You are individual and unique and that's wonderful. Find joy and magic in embracing who you really are and expressing yourself accordingly. Life is your runway. You'll never regret being and dressing like yourself.

Make Time to Sit Down and Enjoy the Scenery

Rushing from class to group project meets to sports practices can certainly be fun, but make sure to schedule some time in the midst of all that to stop and enjoy where you are at in the world. Appreciate your surroundings, the wonderful people in your life and how lucky you are to get to go to school and learn. It's good to remember that not everyone gets to go to school so easily. Find joy in it and take time for reflection and gratitude.

Find the Fun in Small Moments

Each moment presents an opportunity to be joyful and lighthearted. Take small opportunities to have a little extra fun. Go for that notebook that has the funny saying on it. Sport fun socks like pizza socks or pineapple socks to spread a little extra fun throughout the day. Find joy in the little things and treat each day as a new adventure. See your friends on campus and in the hall and take the opportunity to find a fun moment to share laughter with your buds. You won't regreat having a little bit of fun and taking a light-hearted approach to things.

Channel Your Inner Einstein (or Another Hero from the Past)

Glean inspiration from historical figures who have made incredible discoveries, stood for what they believed in and overcome incredible obstacles. Pick a hero this year – whether it be Albert Einstein for his creative genius or Amelia Earhart for her brazen pursuit of her dreams — and think of this person each time you're faced with an obstacle or need to add a little extra inspiration to your day. If it helps, tape a photo of them inside a notebook or your locker, or even sport some fun socks with their likeness on it like these Alber Einstein socks so you have an easy reminder to channel your greatness. If they were able to dream big, create masterpieces and change the world, so can you.

Okay, You're Allowed to Look Forward to the Weekends, Too

Yes, still celebrate Mondays and find joy in each of the weekdays. But, there's no harm in getting excited for a Friday night, Saturday and Sunday. You can #TGIF and make the best plans for your weekend. Schedule some relaxing time, some time to get ahead on reading for fun or pursuing your dreams, make time to reconnect with family and schedule time with people who you'd like to turn into friends. Be intentional about your weekends and get the best out of every moment of them and you'll feel ready to rock going into each week.

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