
Three Important Rules For Dress Socks

by Eric Pringle on May 24, 2017

Three Important Rules For Dress Socks

Three Important Rules For Dress Socks

Every day, somewhere out there, there is a man who spoils an otherwise decent outfit with the wrong pair of dress socks. Does it sound like I’m exaggerating? Well, I’m not! Your socks really do make a big difference in your approach. Allow me to elaborate.

If you saw a man dressed in a sharp, three button navy blue suit with a cream-colored button down shirt and a brown tie, he would look pretty put together, right? Now, what happens when he sits down, and his pant legs lift slightly to reveal white athletic socks? Kind of spoils his put together image now doesn’t it? Even if he is wearing the snazziest pair of camel oxfords you have ever seen, the flash of bulging white cotton between the tops of his shoes and the bottom of his pant cuffs is more likely to garner your attention — and not in a good way.

What are the basic rules of wearing dress socks? They are:

Number 1: Only wear white cotton socks for athletics or chores (and let’s be honest, let’s just keep it to chores). There are really no exceptions to this rule. You may be slightly surprised by this because white socks are commonly seen as street wear, but even jeans should be worn with colorful dress socks.

Number 2: Dress shoes should be worn with dress socks. This means that you should not select socks based on color alone. Thickness and material blend is also relevant. Athletic socks (even if they are black or another color) tend to be ribbed and thick. Therefore, they will bunch up in dress shoes. Dress socks, conversely, are made of a finer, combed cotton blend that will slip easily into your dress shoes and provide a comfortable feel. Dress socks are imperative when deciding on an outfit for a nice event such as a wedding or when deciding what to wear to an interview.

Number 3: Dress socks tell a story about who you are. Socks are no longer an afterthought when putting together your wardrobe. Instead, colorful dress socks are an important accessory that brings the entire outfit together and conveys your individuality. A study by the Journal of Consumer Research recently found that “people confer higher status and competence to nonconforming (like wearing crazy socks) rather than conforming individuals.” Show your bold, bolder, or boldest personality with socks that match your style.

Fashion trends change regularly in dress styles so it may be worth pursuing the blog or newsletter for trend advice, tips and ideas. For example, boldSOCKS provides a monthly blog post about trending colors and patterns that help you to keep your sock game sharp.

Shopping online for socks can be a fun and convenient way to save time and money. Pay attention to any special offers and discounts and join the website’s mailing list to receive regular updates on sales, discounts and promotions.

Guest Author: Rachel Stinson

About the Author:

Rachel Stinson has always had a knack for writing, food, fashion, and sports especially Golf. Blogging has combined all four for her with an added bonus of enthusiastic audiences. She expertly analyzes real estates, restaurants and online fashion stores with respect to pricing and people involved and can express her opinions in an unhesitant, engaging manner for all matters.

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